object FrontPanel: TFrontPanel Left = 191 Top = 187 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biMinimize] BorderStyle = bsSingle Caption = 'DTools 3.0 Demo' ClientHeight = 177 ClientWidth = 463 Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -19 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [fsBold, fsItalic] PixelsPerInch = 96 Position = poScreenCenter ShowHint = True OnCreate = FormCreate TextHeight = 24 object BWCCBtn: TShadowButton Left = 5 Top = 4 Width = 224 Height = 53 Hint = 'Click here to see a demo of BWCC-style checkboxes and radio butt' + 'ons. You will also get an oppurtunity to see some bad bitmaps.' Caption = 'BWCC Controls' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = BWCCBtnClick TextAlignment = taLeftJustify end object ODBtn: TShadowButton Left = 5 Top = 60 Width = 224 Height = 53 Hint = 'Click here to see examples of owner-draw check boxes, value cycl' + 'ers, radio buttons and command buttons.' Caption = 'Owner-draw Controls' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = ODBtnClick TextAlignment = taLeftJustify end object MiscBtn: TShadowButton Left = 5 Top = 116 Width = 224 Height = 53 Hint = 'Click here to see a demo of meters and knobs.' Caption = 'Misc. Gadgets' TabOrder = 2 OnClick = MiscBtnClick TextAlignment = taLeftJustify end object ClockBtn: TShadowButton Left = 233 Top = 60 Width = 224 Height = 53 Hint = 'Click here to see a demo of an analog and segmented LED clocks. ' + ' Sorry about the colors!' Caption = 'Clocks' TabOrder = 4 OnClick = ClockBtnClick TextAlignment = taLeftJustify end object LEDBtn: TShadowButton Left = 233 Top = 4 Width = 224 Height = 53 Hint = 'Click here to see a demo of a segmented LED label and LED checkb' + 'oxes and radio buttons.' Caption = 'LED Controls' TabOrder = 3 OnClick = LEDBtnClick TextAlignment = taLeftJustify end object BackgroundBtn: TShadowButton Left = 233 Top = 116 Width = 224 Height = 53 Hint = 'Click here to see a demo of a fountain fill (gradient) and tiled' + ' bitmap component.' Caption = 'Background Controls' TabOrder = 5 OnClick = BackgroundBtnClick TextAlignment = taLeftJustify end object CustomHint: TCustomHint Active = False Color = 8454143 Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] Left = 413 Top = 2 end object BalloonHint: TBalloonHint BorderColor = clBlack Color = 8454143 Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'System' Font.Style = [] MaxWidth = -4 Behavior = [bbNoShowMouseDown, bbUseRegions, bbHideOnPaint] Position = bpAboveRight ShadowDepth = 8 Shape = bsRoundRect Active = False Left = 377 Top = 6 end object VisualApp1: TVisualApp HelpFile = 'DTOOLS.HLP' HintColor = clWhite HintPause = 800 Icon.Data = {} Title = 'DTools 2.0 Demonstration' OnMessage = VisualApp1Message Left = 341 Top = 6 end end